Saturday, March 12, 2011


I am not obsessing and freaking out about the proposed court slow down...nope nope nope...i sat in with the conference call conducted by our Dept of State and other official-sounding officials :) and right now there are no clear answers as to the proposed slow down. Who it will affect, which MOWYCA letters will be slowed down- if it will really happen. I was even shocked to hear that the Minister of Internatioonal Adoptions was fired...not sure if thats related or if thats a sign that the Ethiopian government is not approving the courts drastic slow down. At this time we are one of about 1,000 cases in the "pipeline"- already in process.
I love how right when we are submitted/ send in anything official the system drastically changes..... last spring we started on this road- it was the Friday before Mothers day to be exact. We sent in our application to HOLT and that Saturday began our home study- only to be put in with the big two-trip change....we finally get our dossier ready in late Sept then got hit by the change that we have to wait for our immigration forms to be in, ...then all gets translated and submitted to court- we get hit with the "new extensive investigation" issue and more documents were requested....we finally get resubmitted to court 3/7/11and then BAM- super big court slow down....geez
But i am staying calm and diverting attention to other things. I have so much to occupy my time with- family, school, work/school, puppies!, dogs, UUCC, the gym, spring break, reading, home much to deal with.
The adoption and S are always on my mind, but we are in a holding pattern- just like we have been with each step of the process. And deep down i think about many other families who are hurting for other reasons....i have no room to be bitter and sad right now. There are families i speak with online and women i know here that are experiencing crisis at such a level that my own heart hurts for i have to be steadfast in my resolve to get S home, and thankful.

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