Monday, January 10, 2011

snow and ice stir crazy

well we had today off from school/work and tomorrow too. Today b/c of nearly 4 inches of snow (unheard of here) that really stuck to all roads and such. Then nearly 2/3 of an inch of ice on top of it all...its really odd...this thick ice-shell on top of the snow.
So i have been here all day- reading and hanging with Gabe. I finished up a grant application that we are being reconsidered for- cross fingers and such :) we have some repairs to do on the back of the house and our $$ can't go two places at once. Still no word on court- boo hoo. That makes me even more stir crazy. I have a busy week, even with the snow days. I am working from home tomorrow, then a regular school day Wednesday- start of my night class, then Thursday and Friday i start a educational leadership program done by the State Dept, another night class Thursday too....lots going on to take my mind off of the wait for court....adoption day for pups on Saturday, and I may be taking the young lady who i mentor....but it will always be lingering *when will we go to court?!* please let it be in March

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping for a March court date for y'all as well!! Maybe we'll even be there around the same time. =) Good luck!
