Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I should be doing something else

Wednesdays are my busiest, fullest days- i have work, and my TA course and a graduate course- i am gone until nearly 9pm. I hate it. But its just one day a week and i try to make tons fo time for Gabe and Same on Tuesday/Thursdays when i am less busy. This Wednesday is no different:
Stuff to do:

Mediation Form to create
visit a local vet to visit a sweet dog in need of a home (not for me)
Staff resolution meetings to be had
write the second half of cultural autobiography
article review
grade projects from "green explorations"
grade blogs from "green explorations"
update grade book
notarize remaining dossier forms

whew i gotta get going

*update on boys:
Sam i loving being back at his former preschool
Gabe is really liking fencing :)


  1. Yeaup, that's definitely a busy day!!!

  2. Lets just say i got half my paper done and no natorizing done...mainly because John needed to come with me and he wasnt free for most of the fact, we wont both have a free hour or two until Monday...ugh
