Friday, February 4, 2011

where is the off button!?

Didn't I say i was turning myself off to all this stress, emotion and frustration.....that didn't last long. This is mainly due to a HOLT email sent out discussing how court has been/is/will be delayed because the offices are moving to a better facility. Our agency has said that court will be closed an "indefinite amount of time"- (John and I both about lost it when we heard). Another agency posted that the closures are for about a week......still this is just wearing on our hearts and minds. HOLT moved their Addis offices and care center in the last month, now the court offices. The moves are for the better- i am not upset about that. I am concerned about our dossier and documents....where are they? I emailed the Africa program director at HOLT and just asked "with all this moving, where is our stuff? what if it gets lost?".  She probably expects an email from me just about she responded about court, that she still hadn't heard anything....that she was going to contact the ET offices about our case specifically, and also informed us that there is a new HOLT employee sent to ET to help in all these new changes- with embassy and court proceedings. That made me feel better. It is hard for us to be a squeaky wheel to advocate for our kids when as far as we can go is contacting a person in Oregon. It is our agency professionals that need to be the squeaky wheel. We have at least three families who all had their items accepted/ready to go for court in early December and none of us have heard anything.
I am still trying to divert my attention and focus on things here- i am getting active with my UU congregation .... ITS JOHNS B-DAY, we are doing things tonight and tomorrow with various friends...i have a conference and am helping cook tomorrow morning for our new Parenting Education classes (a community program)...but in my down time- Ethiopia and S is all i think about

1 comment:

  1. Hoping you hear of a court date SOON! And hugs for patience in this emotional, frustrating, and constantly delayed process!

    Leah Ann
